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Piano, Violin, Viola & Voice Lessons in Tustin, CA

April 8, 2019

Strategies for supporting your child’s talent

Est. Reading: 3 minutes
child's talent

Many view unlocking the talent in their child much like opening a magical treasure chest. You simply open it and let the world see the many gifts your child has to offer. However, that doesn’t normally happen and the realization that it takes hard work and dedication is something that can be hard to realize – and not for the child! At a young age we start to establish our routines and hobbies.

We learn many new things, we grow, we fail, and we move on. Parents, on the other hand, sometimes forget that this is a journey. The parents sometimes forget learning to walk, using a spoon, a new phone, or learning multiplication tables. The quality of patience is sometimes lost.

Most children show aptitude for the arts. This is simply because the arts are part of what makes us human. We at Cadenza believe everyone has some talent – the trick is how hard they want to improve it. Children may start to write diaries with poems and song lyrics, compose songs, play any musical instrument they can get their hands on, role play and create wonderful performance fantasies.

They usually start to do such activities at home. Parents are the first who get to observe these performances and should be responsible in attending to what may be their children’s passion. The trick is to measure that excitement with reality. Yes, your child may be the next Mozart, but it will still be a long road and a lot of work!

A study reported that parents play a singularly important role in a child’s journey in developing their musical talent. Think of the great musician and composer Johann Sebastian Bach. He wouldn’t be able to explore his musical gift without the substantial support of his father who was also a musician.

Although it clearly runs in Johann and his sibling’s genes, the journey to music wouldn’t be possible without his father’s guidance. The same can be said of Mozart. There are, however, countless composers and performers that did not have musically experienced parents. You’re not required to be a musically inclined parent to attend to your child’s needs in developing his talent. You just need these 3 strategies to help your child unlock and nurture his/her musical gift. Become a practice partner. You have to be receptive and show interest. You can sit beside your child and listen any time of the day. Sometimes your presence is what motivates and encourages your child to effectively play the instrument. You can play the instrument along with them as they learn or just be their audience. Even sitting in the room reading a book, studying, or doing your own work (not on your phone) is a good measure of how seriously you take this.

Praise and Encourage. Give credit after your child has showcased their musical talent, no matter how beginning. When they are encouraged after they have done their best is very fulfilling (we still feel this way as adults). Showing appreciation even in the smallest efforts of our children encourages them to do better and better. You don’t always have to be critical and point out their mistakes – most likely, they know them already! They will get bored with lukewarm or unsubstantiated praise so be honest!

Be A Role Model. Showing your child that you appreciate music is extremely helpful. If you express to them in action that it’s important to you, music will also inspire them. Go to concerts of professionals, play music in the home, etc. This will help them actively listen and build a strong connection with you.

As you both share and celebrate music at home, this will substantially help your child to become more focused on unlocking his or her musical talent.

Incorporating the different tips above will help you become an effective, supportive, parent and would be significant in a child’s musical life. Since they spend most of their time at home it is important to understand that your support is, literally and figuratively, instrumental in getting them to grow! All that is left is studying with a fantastic teacher at Cadenza. Start your journey today!

Cadenza Music Academy
Providing quality music education for Piano, Guitar, Voice, & Violin for individuals of every age and skill level!


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